CURRENT POLICIES Section A A3- Public Participation at Board Meetings
Section B
B3 - Board Member Conflict of Interest B8 - Electronic Communication Between Employees and Students B18 - Policy for the Prevention of Sexual Harassment as Prohibited by Title IX Section C C8: Pupil Privacy Right C9: Federal Child Nutrition Act Wellness Policy C10: Prevention of Harassment, Hazing, and Bullying of Students C14: Section 504 and ADA Grievance Protocol for Students and Staff
Section D D6 - Substitute Teachers D7 - Volunteers-Work Study Students D8 - Alcohol & Drug Free Workplace D11 - Drug & Alcohol Testing D12 - Harassment of Employees D13 - HIPPA Compliance D22 - Selection of Library Materials
Section E
E1: Title I, Part A Parent and Family Engagement E8 - Tobacco Prohibition E12 - Policy Security Cameras E14 - Fund Balance Policy
Section F
F1 - Student Conduct & Discipline F3 - Search and Seizure Policy F5 - Student Records F7 - Student Alcohol and Drugs F9 – Transportation F19 - Limited English Proficiency Students F21 - Firearms F23 - Participation of Home Study Students F25 - Student Attendance F27 - Pupil Privacy Rights F28 - Child Nutrition - Wellness Policy
Section G G9 - Grade Advancement G11 - Responsible Computer, Network & Interned Use G13 - Animal Dissection G14 - Class Size (Twinfield) PreK & Kindergarten Entrance Age Proficiency Based Graduation Requirements
Section H
H7 - Title 1, Part A Parental Involvement